Covid-19 is indeed a real surprise attack against humanity. Although we cannot tell how it will end up just as yet, it is sure that the world will never be the same as before.
Indeed, it is a fact very hard to swallow regardless the future prospect is bright or bleak. Quite a few people are still in denial. That is the reason why so many unproductive arguments are circulating despite they will not lead us to anywhere.
I suspect that most of them come from those who have forced to abandon their winning games. Covid-19 is a decisive game changer. However, it is not a great leveller as the strong still have better chances over the weak even though they might need write off lots of their vested interests.
Simply, we are seeing a tomorrow which is not a sequel of yesterday. We were about to be fed up with a flood of sequels, weren’t we?
Covid-19 は、まさに人類に対する不意打ちと言っていいでしょう。今の時点では、どのように決着するのか予断を許しませんが、世界はもう Covid-19 以前の世界に戻ることはないでしょう。
そのような議論の発信元の多くは、せっかく勝ちそうなゲームの中断を余儀なくされた人たちではないかと思います。Covid-19 は容赦ないゲーム・チェンジャーです。ただ、一部で言われるような格差のリセットの効果はないと思います。というのは、多くの投資を損切りしなければならないにしても、このような変革期には強者の方が弱者よりチャンスが大きいからです。
Kia matatika. Kāore he tangata i matapae i a ia.
He upokotaua te mate Korona hou. He wawe te wā mō te matapaetia te mutunga ināianei, engari, he rerekē te ao i muri i taua mate ki te ao i mua i a ia.
He wero nui tonu te horopukua te hūkiki ahakoa pai ahakoa hē ka haere te whakanohonoho. Ka whakawareware ngā tāngata maha. Ka kohe rātou.
Kua katia ā rātou toanga. Kua pakaru ā rātou whakangao. Kua taka ā rātou whai. Engari, ka hapahapai te mārohirohi.
Heoi anō, ko te kōrero hou āpōpō.