Alone and naked among everything in the universe

From this month’s Zen words in Japanese site of Rinzai-Obaku Zen.

Some Zen maxims are about how the enlightened mind is like. This is one of them.




Kia tahanga kei waenganui i ngā mea katoa

Hei tā te kōrero o te marama i te wāhanga Hapani o te Rinzai-Obaku Zen.

Pēhea te māramatanga? ka tohu ētahi mātāpono o Zen. Ka whakatauira tēnei.

Life is a sole journey, from beginning to end

From this month’s Zen words in Japanese site of Rinzai-Obaku Zen.

Strictly speaking, we all are born alone and we all die alone. Our consciousness is technically our own and not shared with anybody else throughout our life. Thus we need to take full responsibility of our own life.

独来独去 無一随者



Ka whererei tahanga, ka kekero tahanga. He haerenga kore hoa.

Hei tā te kōrero o te marama i te wāhanga Hapani o te Rinzai-Obaku Zen.

Ka rongo koe anake i tōu hinengaro. Ka whererei tahanga, ka kekero tahanga. He haerenga kore hoa.

Exposing the bare body to the autumn wind

From October’s Zen words in Japanese site of Rinzai-Obaku Zen.

When the tree shivers and loses its leaves in the autumn winds, what should we do. The answer is: Expose the bare body to the autumn wind.




Me whakaraerae ki te hū makariri

Hei tā te kōrero o te marama i te wāhanga Hapani o te Rinzai-Obaku Zen.

He pātai: He aha te whakarite ki te hū makariri e whakamātao i te rākau ki te kāhaki ōna rau?

He utu: Me whakaraerae ki te hū makariri

Originated from it, we are one with the universe

From October’s Zen words in Japanese site of Rinzai-Obaku Zen.

We originated from the same element as the heaven and the earth. We are one with everything in the universe.




Nō Ranginui rāua ko Papatuanuku ngā mea katoa o te ao

Hei tā te kōrero o te marama i te wāhanga Hapani o te Rinzai-Obaku Zen.

Mā ngā pūmotu e waihangatia ō tātou tinana ka ngā whetū katoa waihangatia.

Alone in the deep forest, only the moonlight reaches me

From this month’s Zen words in Japanese site of Rinzai-Obaku Zen.

Majority is not always right. Sometimes you are alone in the place you think is right. However, if you are not solely wrong the light of truth always shines on you. You should be able to see it.




Ahakoa ka noho tahanga koe i te nghere hōhonu, ka aho te marama kei runga i a koe

Hei tā te kōrero o te marama i te wāhanga Hapani o te Rinzai-Obaku Zen.

I tētahi wā, ka hē te tokomaha. I taua wā me whakanunu te pā tika e koe anake. Engari, kei ngā wāhi katoa te pono. Me titiro atu koe.

All roads lead to Rome

From this month’s Zen words in Japanese site of Rinzai-Obaku Zen.

Of course, in Zen words, the city originally referred was not Rome, but Chang’an the capital of Tang Dynasty.

The enlightenment or the ultimate truth of the universe is actually ubiquitous and common and everyone or everything in this universe is following it without any exceptions.

Thus if you are to reach it, you do not have to choose a particular road.






He moana pukepuke e ekengia e te waka

Hei tā te kōrero o te marama i te wāhanga Hapani o te Rinzai-Obaku Zen.

Ka pēnei te kōrero tipu i te mātauranga Zen: Ko ngā huarahi katoa e ahu ana ki te pā nui rawa.

Mēnā e tino hiahia ana koe ki te tae ki reira ka tae atu koe ki reira.

He moana pukepuke e ekengia e te waka

The higher the view you attain, the bigger the fall you risk

From this month’s Zen words in Japanese site of Rinzai-Obaku Zen.

By climbing up a ladder, you can get a better view. However, falling off from a ladder is a major cause of severe home injury which could be fatal. This also applies to an abstract view point. Your sense of excellence could easily become a disastrous pitfall.



工事現場での有名な標語に「1 メートルは一命取る」というのがあります。文字通り、たった 1 メートルでも、落下すれば命が危ないと言うことです。一丈というのは昔の長さの単位で、10 尺、3 メートル以上あるそうですから、もし落ちたらただでは済まなさそうです。高い見地を得たつもりでも、そこから踏み外すとそれだけ奈落は深いということです。

Ka teitei te piki, ka taikaha te hinga

Hei tā te kōrero o te marama i te wāhanga Hapani o te Rinzai-Obaku Zen.

Ka teitei te piki, ka whānui te tirohanga.

Engari, mehemea ka hinga koe, he hinga taikaha.

Kia tūpato.

Wholehearted dedication to a single task

From this month’s Zen words in Japanese site of Rinzai-Obaku Zen.

Multitasking is a myth. It is scientifically proven. However, we try to do multitasking. It is the unattainable desire leads to suffering. If you want to accomplish meaningful outcome, you need wholehearted dedication to a single task at a time.




Me tūturu ki te mahi kotahi kōtiri

Hei tā te kōrero o te marama i te wāhanga Hapani o te Rinzai-Obaku Zen.

Ka rangirua koe mehemea ka whai ngātahi koe i ngā mea e rua.

Me tūturu ki te mahi kotahi kōtiri.

In an ideal management, nothing is wasted

From this month’s Zen words in Japanese site of Rinzai-Obaku Zen.

In original phrase it was about an ideal dynasty, however, I thought in modern context we can interpret it as about an ideal management.

At the pinnacle of management skills, a manager would be able to utilise whatever resources at hand, each and every subordinate, material or opportunity and left nothing wasted.

Thus if there are any resources not utilised well it is all attributed to the manager’s virtue.






Ehara he moumou i te mahi o te rangatira

Hei tā te kōrero o te marama i te wāhanga Hapani o te Rinzai-Obaku Zen.

Ka mōhio te rangatira i te mana o te mea katoa.

Ka mōhio ia i ngā tāngata katoa.

Ka mōhio ia i ngā rawa katoa.

Ka mōhio ia i ngā āhei katoa.

Ehara he moumou i te mahi o te rangatira.

Spring sun lights everything evenly but each flower grows at its own length

From this month’s Zen words in Japanese site of Rinzai-Obaku Zen.

Just like spring sun, the universal truth of this world is applied equally to anything. However, its real effects differ from one thing to another.

That obscures the universal truth from us.

春色無高下 花枝自短長





He ōrite te rā hahana i te kōanga mō mea katoa, engari, he rerekē te whakatiputipu o ngā putiputi

Hei tā te kōrero o te marama i te wāhanga Hapani o te Rinzai-Obaku Zen.

He ōrite te rā hahana i te kōanga mō mea katoa.

He ture pono o te ao toihara kore.

Engari, he rerekē te whakatiputipu o ngā putiputi.

He mahi pono o te ao kanorau nui.