To be, or not to be: Essential, urgent or necessary

A call for restructuring is never without upsetting. But this time it is global and ubiquitous with huge impact and disturbance which are unavoidable for virtually everyone on the planet. Suddenly your business, your role and your job without exceptions have been thrown into an existential question, if your business, your role or your job is essential, urgent or necessary.

This is really a tough call. As it has been long since we moved into the economy by majority comprised of tertiary industries, or service industries, most of us even with “decent” jobs would have difficulties in affirming our jobs are actually essential, urgent or necessary without any doubts.

Even for those in primary and secondary sectors things are not so different. Because most of people working in these sectors, too, are engaged in tertiary industry-ish jobs rather than stereotypical ones.

However, even if your business, role or job is not deemed essential, urgent or necessary it does not make it negligible or dispensable at all. That is why governments around the world were swift in putting job protection measures in place. First, your household requires it as the source of livelihood. Also as a human does not live only on bread, a society does not produce only bread.






Ko tēnei te mahi waiwai, kāore rānei?

He āwangawanga te whakahouhou katoa. Inakuanei, ka kōkirikiritia ia tangata, ia tangata e te whakahouhou nui o te ao. Ko tēnei te mahi waiwai, kāore rānei?

Ka mahi tokomaha i ngā mahi ratonga ināianei. He pai tonu aua mahi, engari, ehara he horipū rātou. Ahakoa tonu he ahuhenua, he itiiti ngā tāngata i ngā mahinga horipū.

Heoi anō, mahia te mahi. Kāore te tangata e noho noa ake mō te parāoa. Kāore te porihanga e mahi noa ake mō te parāoa anō.

Let’s not pretend. We never expected this.

Covid-19 is indeed a real surprise attack against humanity. Although we cannot tell how it will end up just as yet, it is sure that the world will never be the same as before.

Indeed, it is a fact very hard to swallow regardless the future prospect is bright or bleak. Quite a few people are still in denial. That is the reason why so many unproductive arguments are circulating despite they will not lead us to anywhere.

I suspect that most of them come from those who have forced to abandon their winning games. Covid-19 is a decisive game changer. However, it is not a great leveller as the strong still have better chances over the weak even though they might need write off lots of their vested interests.

Simply, we are seeing a tomorrow which is not a sequel of yesterday. We were about to be fed up with a flood of sequels, weren’t we?


Covid-19 は、まさに人類に対する不意打ちと言っていいでしょう。今の時点では、どのように決着するのか予断を許しませんが、世界はもう Covid-19 以前の世界に戻ることはないでしょう。


そのような議論の発信元の多くは、せっかく勝ちそうなゲームの中断を余儀なくされた人たちではないかと思います。Covid-19 は容赦ないゲーム・チェンジャーです。ただ、一部で言われるような格差のリセットの効果はないと思います。というのは、多くの投資を損切りしなければならないにしても、このような変革期には強者の方が弱者よりチャンスが大きいからです。


Kia matatika. Kāore he tangata i matapae i a ia.

He upokotaua te mate Korona hou. He wawe te wā mō te matapaetia te mutunga ināianei, engari, he rerekē te ao i muri i taua mate ki te ao i mua i a ia.

He wero nui tonu te horopukua te hūkiki ahakoa pai ahakoa hē ka haere te whakanohonoho. Ka whakawareware ngā tāngata maha. Ka kohe rātou.

Kua katia ā rātou toanga. Kua pakaru ā rātou whakangao. Kua taka ā rātou whai. Engari, ka hapahapai te mārohirohi.

Heoi anō, ko te kōrero hou āpōpō.

Captain Tiapana

Our newly created mascot, Captain Tiapana is a young leader of Murakami Kaizoku (Pirates) donning a samurai helmet with a scallop ornament.



Kāpene Tiapana

Ko Kāpene Tiapana tā mātou kiripuaki waimarie. Ko te rangatira rangatahi ia i tētahi rōpū o Te Taua Moana o Murakami. Ka mauria te pōtae mārō o te tipa e ia.

Around the Chinese Zodiac


The Chinese zodiac goes around the cycle in 12 years. Its first zodiac is the year of the mouse as with this year, 2020. Coincidentally, I participated in an annual photo exhibition every year in the last cycle, from 2008 to 2019. Above is the gallery of my exhibits. They ware not themed with the animal of the corresponding year. Maybe in the next round.


今年は干支の最初の子年ですが、たまたま、前の一巡り、2008 年から 2019 年まで毎年、ある写真展に参加していたことに気づきました。上にあるのが展示作品のギャラリーです。干支の動物がテーマになっているわけではないですが、今年からの一巡では検討してみます。

Te Porowhita o Ngā Ara Matua Haina

Ka porowhita ngā ara matua Haina i ngā tau e tekau mā rua ai. Ko tēnei tau, 2020, te tuatahi o rātou. Ko te tau o kiore ināianei. I te porowhita tōmua, kua whai wāhi atu ahau ki te whakatauranga whakaahua a ngā hoa ākonga o mua ia tau, ia tau. Ko te kiriata runga ake āku tāpaetanga mō rātou. Kaore āhuatia ngā ara matua Haina e ēnei tāpaetanga, engari, a te porowhita hou, pea?

Toward the whole-human communication

As our new year’s resolution of 2020, or of this decade, we would like to contribute to the advancement of the whole-human communication with the latest ICT developments.

For this purpose we run four projects:


今年 2020 年の、あるいはこれから十年の目標として、当社は、最新の情報通信技術の発展が可能とするホリスティックなヒューマン・コミュニケーションの実現に向けて微力ながら貢献したいと思っています。

そのための具体的なプロジェクトとして次の 4 テーマを進めていきます:

  • Hearts In Healthcare Publications – 人間中心の医療を求める運動である Hearts In Healthcare による出版物の日本語への翻訳
  • FHIR® Control Japan – 医療情報の相互運用性のための新しい標準規格 HL7® FHIR® の日本語への翻訳
  • Te Kapa Manaaki Moana – 世界中の航海民族や海洋文化にインスパイヤされたデジタル音楽プロジェクト
  • Te Karu Ika a Māui – マーウイの魚の眼、ニュージーランドの北島(マーオリ語で Te Ika a Māui、マーオリの魚)で、魚眼レンズ(マーオリ語で karu ika、魚の眼)で撮影された写真集

Mō te whakawhitiwhiti torowhānui

Ko te kaupapa o mātou i tēnei tau 2020, i tēnei tekau tau rānei, te pahekotanga mō te whakawhitiwhiti torowhānui mā te hangarau whakaaturanga.

Ka mātou mahi i ngā whakatakanga e whā:

eHealth as we see it

In Tiapana ICT, we conceive eHealth as “(all) encompassing health” which represents not just electronic devices or any other technologies. It could also be called ecosystem focused/oriented health. It is a holistic approach to health mobilising whatever resources available and relevant with advanced technologies and insights.

Tiapana ICT では eHealth の e を、単なる電子機器やその他のテクノロジーだけでなく、 encompassing「(全て)を包含する、全方位の」医療、健康管理と捉えています。あるいはエコシステム指向の医療、健康管理ということもできます。健康に対して、全体的な観点から取り組み、先進の技術や知見から利用可能で適切な全てのリソースを活用するものです。

E whaiwhakaaro ana mātou ki te “e” o te eHealth, he “encompassing” he manaaki katoa, ehara he hangarau anake.

About our company’s logo

The design motif of our company logo is “Ama no Iwafune” (Japanese meaning “heavenly rock ship”), the legendary rock-solid vessel which can navigate between heaven and earth.

As our original design, it features the Pleiades as its sail. The stars have a great significance both in New Zealand indigenous Maori culture as “Matariki” and in Japanese traditional culture as “Subaru”.

Ukoh, a Japanese Kiwi tattoo artist living in Auckland, kindly presented us with this design. His works can be seen at his online tattoo gallery. He takes order for picture or design, just e-mail:

当社のロゴのモチーフは、荒天にも負けず天と地を結ぶ天磐船です。当社独自のデザインとして、プレアデス星団を帆にあしらっています。プレアデス星団は日本で「すばる」として知られていますが、ニュージーランドの先住民、マーオリ人にとっても、マタリキと呼ばれ重要な意味を持つ星々です。このロゴは、ニュージーランド在住の日本人タトゥ・アーチスト、Ukoh さんの手によるものです。彼の作品はオンライン・ギャラリーで見ることができますし、電子メール でイラストやデザインの注文を受け付けています。

Ka whakaahua tō mātou waitohu i te waka pūrākau Hapani e pūioio, e kōpiko i waenganui o te rangi me te ao.

Ko Matariki te kōmaru o te waka. Ko Subaru o te ingoa o taua tūhononga whetū i te reo Hāpani.

Nā Ukoh te auaha o taua waitohu. Kei kōnei āna mahi ērā atu. Ka rangona ngā tono mō āna auaha ki

Welcome to Tiapana ICT

We are providing information about eHealth, cloud services, virtual reality and seafaring cultures in three languages: English, Japanese and Te Reo Māori.

Tiapana ICT へようこそ。当社は、eHealth、クラウドサービス、バーチャルリアリティ、そして海洋文化について、英語、日本語、マーオリ語の 3 言語で情報発信を行っています。

Nau mai, haere mai ki Tiapana ICT. E kōrero ana mātou i te ī-Hauora me te kapua taupānga me te motuhenga mariko me ngā ahurea moana i ngā reo e toru: te reo Ingarihi me te reo Hapani me te reo Māori.