It is sad to see the world is going back to the starting point in controlling the Covid-19 outbreaks after significant sacrifices as the so-called second waves are posting new record numbers of cases around the world. As it turned out, it was really easier said than done to reopen the business while putting the spread of Covid-19 under control.
Including myself, I honestly admit, the human race is overconfident in balancing acts. I often try to do two things at the same time and most of the time I fail in either one and more often than not, both.
I think that the government around the world should immediately review the current monitoring measures of the spread of Covid-19 and the efficacy of prevention strategies. Clearly there have been the overconfidence effect in those measures.
He whakawākanga whakakake
Ko te ngeru tuarua o te Mate Korona e pahika i ngā tau tōmua o ngā tūroro i ngā motu e marea i te ao. Kua paupau ngā whakatutukitanga o te whakahere nui i aua motu. He pai te kōrero, engari, he rawakore te mahi.
Ka whaiwhai koe i ngā mea e rua, ka hopuhopu koe i kore. Te tuwhera kaipakihi rānei, te pēhitanga mate rānei.
Mō te whakatikatika o te whakawākanga whakakake, me arotake ngā mahi o nāianei i te aroturuki horahanga mate me te whakamaru pokenga.