From this month’s Zen words in Japanese site of Rinzai-Obaku Zen.
The long broad tongue is one of the 32 legendary features of the Buddha. It symbolises his words encompassed everything and left nothing unexplained.
The words in the title means, I think, the Buddha’s sermon is nothing but the natural truth of the universe. Although mankind has learned much more about the natural truth of the universe since the age of the Buddha, why are we still suffering from earthly desires?
お釈迦様には、三十二相、32 の優れた特徴があると言われてますが、そのひとつが大舌相(廣長舌)です。文字通りの意味は、広くて長い舌ですが、お釈迦様の言うことに嘘がなく、真実を余すところなく語り尽くせるという意味だそうです。
Ko te arawaru o te awa te whētero kauhau o te atua Puta
Hei tā te kōrero o te marama i te wāhanga Hapani o te Rinzai-Obaku Zen.
Ko Puta te atua o ngā tikanga Puta/Zen.
Mā ngā tohu e toru tekau ma rua i waitohua ia. Ko te whētero kauhau tētahi o rātou. Mā te whētero kauhau ka kōrero pono a Puta i ngā mātauranga o te ao. Mai i te rā o a Puta, kua tūhurahia ngā mātauranga maha e ngā iwi katoa.
Ko te arawaru o te awa te whētero kauhau o te atua Puta. Ka kōrero pono te taiao i ngā mātauranga o a Puta ai. Engari, e whakataumahatia ana tonu ngā iwi katoa e ngā āwangawanga maha. Pēhea?