This is a repost from the archived contents of now-retired “Hearts in Healthcare” website by Dr Robin Youngson.
The-technology-solution-and-the-healing-solution-Take the test: Are you kindly, compassionate or just competent?
This is a repost from the archived contents of now-retired “Hearts in Healthcare” website by Dr Robin Youngson.
Take-the-test_-Are-you-kindly-compassionate-or-just-competent_-Sent to the psychiatrist because I wanted to donate a kidney
This is a repost from the archived contents of now-retired “Hearts in Healthcare” website by Dr Robin Youngson.
Sent-to-the-psychiatrist-because-I-wanted-to-donate-a-kidney-How compassionate, whole-person care cured me of a life-threatening disease
This is a repost from the archived contents of now-retired “Hearts in Healthcare” website by Dr Robin Youngson.
How-compassionate-whole-person-care-cured-me-of-a-life-threatening-disease-Compassion Hero: Dr Johanne Egan
This is a repost from the archived contents of now-retired “Hearts in Healthcare” website by Dr Robin Youngson.
Compassion-Hero_-Dr-Johanne-Egan-From mindless medicine to the new science of healing
This is a repost from the archived contents of now-retired “Hearts in Healthcare” website by Dr Robin Youngson.
From-mindless-medicine-to-the-new-science-of-healing-Communicating our caring purpose
This is a repost from the archived contents of now-retired “Hearts in Healthcare” website by Dr Robin Youngson.
Communicating-our-caring-purpose-Five things I wish I had known as a young doctor
This is a repost from the archived contents of now-retired “Hearts in Healthcare” website by Dr Robin Youngson.
Five-things-I-wish-I-had-known-as-a-young-doctor-Practicing compassion in an uncompassionate health system
This is a repost from the archived contents of now-retired “Hearts in Healthcare” website by Dr Robin Youngson.
Practising-compassion-in-an-uncompassionate-health-system-Intentional practice
This is a repost from the archived contents of now-retired “Hearts in Healthcare” website by Dr Robin Youngson.