This is a repost from the archived contents of now-retired “Hearts in Healthcare” website by Dr Robin Youngson.
Humiliation-humbleness-and-compassion-Author: Captain Tiapana
Flexible empathy – the key to resilience?
This is a repost from the archived contents of now-retired “Hearts in Healthcare” website by Dr Robin Youngson.
Flexible-empathy-–-the-key-to-resilience_-Rejected by the BMJ: An essay on “How to up-regulate compassion in healthcare”.
This is a repost from the archived contents of now-retired “Hearts in Healthcare” website by Dr Robin Youngson.
Rejected-by-the-BMJ_-An-essay-on-How-to-up-regulate-compassion-in-healthcare.-Put away the tissues.
This is a repost from the archived contents of now-retired “Hearts in Healthcare” website by Dr Robin Youngson.
Put-away-the-tissues.-The art of presence
This is a repost from the archived contents of now-retired “Hearts in Healthcare” website by Dr Robin Youngson.
The-art-of-presence.-The gift of non-anxious presence
This is a repost from the archived contents of now-retired “Hearts in Healthcare” website by Dr Robin Youngson.
The-gift-of-non-anxious-presence.-The feeling that I have to fix something for them, I don’t have that feeling anymore
This is a repost from the archived contents of now-retired “Hearts in Healthcare” website by Dr Robin Youngson.
The-feeling-that-I-have-to-fix-something-for-them-I-dont-have-that-feeling-anymore-Ten simple rules….
This is a repost from the archived contents of now-retired “Hearts in Healthcare” website by Dr Robin Youngson.
Ten-simple-rules….-Top 10 Scientific Benefits of Compassion (Infographic)
This is a repost from the archived contents of now-retired “Hearts in Healthcare” website by Dr Robin Youngson.
The link in the article below is broken. Here is the URL for what appears to be the intended contents:
The-Top-10-Scientific-Benefits-of-Compassion-Infographic-Practicing compassion.
This is a repost from the archived contents of now-retired “Hearts in Healthcare” website by Dr Robin Youngson.