Thousands of grasses weep in the dew, all the pine trees song in the wind

From this month’s Zen words in Japanese site of Rinzai-Obaku Zen.

The dew and the wind are paired concepts and together symbolise suffering and enlightenment.

泣露千般草 吟風一様松 (つゆになくせんぱんのくさ かぜにぎんずいちようのまつ)



Ka tangi ngā pātītī tokomaha i te haurahi, ka toiere ngā kahikatea katoa i te hau.

Hei tā te kōrero o te marama i te wāhanga Hapani o te Rinzai-Obaku Zen.

He haurahi te kōtonga, he hau te whakakite.

Both edges are dismissed and all directions are open

From this month’s Zen words in Japanese site of Rinzai-Obaku Zen.

If it is not A it is B, if it is not B it is A. This is the last thing you found in Zen teaching. Then eventually you will become able to see, accept and act upon things as they are.

両頭共坐断 八面起清風(りょうとうともにざだんしてはちめんせいふうをおこす)



Whakarērea ngā matamata e rua, e rua, ina, ka pōaha ngā taha katoa.

Hei tā te kōrero o te marama i te wāhanga Hapani o te Rinzai-Obaku Zen.

He kino tēnei ati he pai tērā. He pai tēnei ati he kino tēnei. Ehara he Zen pēnei. Whakarērea ngā matamata e rua, e rua, ina, ka pōaha ngā taha katoa.

Iron trees bloom and stone bamboo shoots spread branches

From this month’s Zen words in Japanese site of Rinzai-Obaku Zen.

It is a misconception that Zen or Buddhism in general is a religion or a philosophy of apathy or stoicism. It is true Zen teaches the unfruitfulness and vanity of ordinary attachments and desires. However, it also teaches there are true sources of attainments and hopes despite at the first glance they may seem as iron trees or stone bamboo shoots.




Ka pua te rākau maitai. Ka kaupeka te rito pāwhatu.

Hei tā te kōrero o te marama i te wāhanga Hapani o te Rinzai-Obaku Zen.

Te ahua nei, ka mīere te māhaki. Engari ka momoho ia.

The dead tree blooms again

From this month’s Zen words in Japanese site of Rinzai-Obaku Zen.

Zen is also the practice of dying, somewhat similar to the western philosophy.

枯木再生花 (こぼくふたたびはなをしょうず)





Ka mate te rākau. Engari, ka ora te pua anō.

Hei tā te kōrero o te marama i te wāhanga Hapani o te Rinzai-Obaku Zen.

Mā te rākau e whakaritea ana te manutunatanga. Mā te pua e whakaritea ana te mauri.

Just one drop of wisdom is enough for the whole universe

From this month’s Zen words in Japanese site of Rinzai-Obaku Zen.

This is representing the totality of the enlightenment.

一滴潤乾坤 (いってき、けんこんをうるおす)



Mā te kōpata kotahi, ka whakarukuhia ai te ao katoa

Hei tā te kōrero o te marama i te wāhanga Hapani o te Rinzai-Obaku Zen.

Pēnei he mōhio torowhānui anō.

Never double-hearted

From this month’s Zen words in Japanese site of Rinzai-Obaku Zen.

Never separate your mind into you doing your doing and you watching your doing.




Kaua e rangirua

Hei tā te kōrero o te marama i te wāhanga Hapani o te Rinzai-Obaku Zen.

Mahia tāu mahi. Kaua e whakatahaia a ia.

Restless with disruptive spring winds

From this month’s Zen words in Japanese site of Rinzai-Obaku Zen.

In understanding Zen maxim you cannot get away with simple interpretations. Some Zen masters state that desires and passions manifest enlightenment. This maxim is a very good example. Can you see some tranquility within this expression of restlessness?




Mā te hau i te kōanga he kārangirangi

Hei tā te kōrero o te marama i te wāhanga Hapani o te Rinzai-Obaku Zen.

E whakapokaikaha te mātauranga o te Tene. Ka taea te wakamārie e koe te kite i waenganui i te kārangirangi?

There is no lukewarm spot in boiling water

From this month’s Zen words in Japanese site of Rinzai-Obaku Zen.

You might imagine that Zen is calm and static. But this maxim tells us it is opposite.

As there is no lukewarm spot in boiling water, the practice of Zen is completely and sincerely devoted, determined and enthusiastic.





Kaore he taha aromahara i te waenganui i te ngāwhā

Hei tā te kōrero o te marama i te wāhanga Hapani o te Rinzai-Obaku Zen.

Kaua e pohewa he marino he mārire te mahi Tena. He wera, he manawanui.

The lightning cuts through the spring wind in a flash

From this month’s Zen words in Japanese site of Rinzai-Obaku Zen.

Death is one of the four sufferings in Buddhism. As the enlightenment in Buddhism means extinguishing all the sufferings, overcoming the fear of death is a natural part of it.

In this Zen maxim, the death is represented by the lightning splitting spring wind. It seems like a big event for human, it is just a part of the natural cycle. Aren’t we put too much focus on a specific event instead of the whole cycle of this universe?





Ka pakaru te hau kōanga i te rauuira ma te hiko

Hei tā te kōrero o te marama i te wāhanga Hapani o te Rinzai-Obaku Zen.

Ka tae ana ngā pākinikini e whā o Puta ki te mate. Nō reira ka tae ana te mātauranga o Puta ki te tinei koera mate.

E kī ana tēnei wakataukī o Tena i te taurine o te mate ki te hau kōanga e pakaru i te rauuira. He pakū, engari, e pērā tonu ana te ao.

Put away both fame and fortune

From this month’s Zen words in Japanese site of Rinzai-Obaku Zen.

This phrase is very topical as many people are chasing fame and fortune on SNS.



SNS の閲覧数や収益を追いかけている世相に冷水をぶっかけるような言葉ですね。

Ākiria te moemiti me te matenui

Hei tā te kōrero o te marama i te wāhanga Hapani o te Rinzai-Obaku Zen.

I te wā e nui ngā tāngata e whai I te moemiti me te matenui i ngā pae pāpāho pāpori, ka whakatūpato te kōrero.