This is an original work published in 2016 but no copyright is claimed by the author, Robin Youngson
The moral rights of the author have been asserted, to freely give away and share this book within the gift economy
Published in New Zealand by: Rebelheart Publishers
PO Box 63, Raglan 3265, New Zealand Email: sales@rebelheart.org
Phone: 00 64 21 660 344
E-book editions available for free download at: www.herotohealer.org
Book design:
Whale Tail – Brand and Design (www.whaletail.co.nz)
No rights are reserved. Any part of this book may be reproduced, transmitted or copied for public use. Please reference the title and author so that other readers can find and share the original.
ISBN 978-0-473-38344-2 [paperback, NZ edition]
ISBN 978-0-473-38345-9 [Epub]
ISBN 978-0-473-38346-6 [PDF]